Child Support is aiming to create a community around the project with the main goal to help children around the world.
🧒Child Support is a real community Exchange platform, with NFT collection and with other features like redistribution reward and burn. By combining the power of blockchain and cryptocurrency we created a token that is better than any other token available in the market, with higher benefits. Child Support serves both as a decentralized autonomous charity, and as an investment. Also, it offers a solution to charity organizations that were not able to accept crypto as a charity in past to utilize this new space. It combines many of the features of other cryptocurrencies such as Dash and Bitcoin with unique community-building features and a revolutionary approach through which our investor can earn every time a transaction is performed. Almost every new project in the blockchain market strives to capture the audience’s attention and engagement, whether they are providing a solution or any cases or not. But Child Support is aiming to create a community around the project with the main goal to help children around the world.
Child Support stands for something and represents all those who are willing to help the ones who need help. Now charity organizations can easily use our platform to accept crypto as a donation. We have paved the way for the crypto economy to charity. We want to revolutionize charitable giving by merging the humanitarian spirit with the investor mindset. Our vision is to build a new form of charity, with sustainable contributions flowing from individuals through charity and out the other side while having a much greater impact.
7 yorum
i love charity projects like this