Earn 3% Passive Rewards in BTC just by Hold $BTCMS + 2% Auto Liquidity +1% Charity + Nft Collections + BtcmSwap + 3D Play to Earn game. This and Much More is our Big Vision for the First Original Project Dedicated to Michael Saylor, ($BTCMS) be Wary of Imitations.
Don’t miss This New BIG Opportunity!
BtcmSaylor is inspired by the huge interest of Michael Saylor towards BTC, so as BTC long term holders, we decided to create BTCMSaylor. A long term solution to earn passive income in BTC in a safe, fun, automatic easy way. In Fact, 3% of every Buy/Sell, transaction will be Auto converted to BTC and sent to the holders without move of a finger. BtcMsaylor will introduce dapp for staking and BTCMSwap shrotly after the launch. In that way the project will get more traction and proceed with further development. Once the project establish itself in the market, the NFT field will be researched and possible future utilities will be discussed with and approved by our community.
✅CONTRACT: 0x5fEC0313661Dba3A69CA98bDA849300557662ED4
Why Elon Musk can’t be compared to Michael Saylor?
Because Elon Musk unlike Michael Saylor is an egocentric , opportunistic and speculator, and in addition to suffering from Asperger’s syndrome, he is also bipolar (he declared this himself).
Everyone loved Elon Musk when he declared that Tesla had bought 1.5 BILLION in Bitcoin, but at the same time many more disliked him when he declared that Tesla had sold 75% of its Bitcoins due to the need liquidity but we, at Btcmsaylor, believe that he is just a speculator using his notoriety to do Pump and Dump so as to increase his Riches.
I am not telling you to hate Elon Musk, I am just making you think based on his actions. Elon Musk is obsessed with space, in fact he owns SpaceX he wants to go to Mars and since space missions are very expensive, it is estimated that he will succeed only with a trillion-dollar fortune and according to what he has declared, he will realize his dream not before 2030.
For heaven’s sake, everyone has their own dreams, but one thing is certain, Elon Musk is a Paper Hands, Michael Saylor is A REAL BITCOIN HOLDER. I conclude this section by loudly stating that this project is dedicated to Michael Saylor, the only man in the world who strongly believes in Bitcoin and who will believe in it until the end of his days, this is a certainty.
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